Porter Serivces
We know how overwhelming it can be when your set takes up few city blocks, a large corporate campus or the grounds of a huge estate.
Or maybe you are working on 3 stages on the same day.
We found than that our full day porter service gives you the kind of complete and comprehensive coverage you need for days like that.
Our Porter Service keeps a full-time trained cleaning and sanitization specialist with your crew for the entire shoot day. Production crews find that tis type of coverage is effective when you production footprint covers a larger area then just a single apartment or private home.
Generally, coverage begins pre-prep at any of the actual shooting areas and moves rotationally throughout the day, covering holding, catering, and restroom trailers.
Having a full-time sanitation specialist and certified fogger rather than a PA with a spray bottle give you the confidence to know that cast and crew are being kept as safe as possible.
We work with a map from locations that identifies all the key areas that need attention are laid out with a basic timeline of coverage time.
Of course, the porter id on-call, so your on-site contact can reach out at any time for any unscheduled cleaning or fogging.
We price out coverage based on a 10-12 hour day with approved overtime if necessary.